Hello, folks!  God wants us to receive (even welcome) His correction, which is always done in love.

Poverty and shame will come to him who disdains correction, but he who regards a rebuke will be honored.  (Prov 13:18)  When you “regard” something, you respect and consider it.  You take it seriously and allow it to influence you.

Proverbs 15:5 says that the one who receives correction is prudent.  Prudent means careful, sensible, wise, and far-sighted.  Many Scriptures tell us that it is foolish and harmful to disdain or refuse correction.  (See Proverbs 3:11; 10:17; 12:1; 15:10; 15:31, 32; 16:22; Jeremiah 7:28; Zephaniah 3:2)

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. . .  (2 Tim 3:16 – emphasis added)  This verse is referring to an admonition, rebuke, or chastisement.  It reminds us that the Word of God is given to us for many different purposes, including correction. 

God corrects us so that He may make us complete and thoroughly equipped for every good [virtuous, moral, upright] work.  (2 Tim 3:17) 

We must cooperate with the Master when He corrects us, and He will make each one of us into a vessel of honor.  (Rom 9:20, 21)  Praise God!

2 thoughts on “Accept Correction from God

  1. I agree that we need to accept correction. Correction is actually a gift and a sign of love! Thanks for post and for visiting my site !


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